Our Factory

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Phase 1 Factory

Factory 1 Power Capacitor Manufacturing Factory / Plating Factory 4,500m2

Factory 2 Sheet Metal Processing and Welding Factory 4,500m2

Factory 3 Automatic Painting Factory 1,100m2

Factory 4 Welding Factory 2,700m2

Factory 5 Painting Factory 1,200m2

Factory 6 Industrial Equipment Assembly Factory (1st floor, 2nd floor) / Fine Coating Factory (1st floor) 5,000m2

Phase 2 Factory

Factory 1 2nd Parts Factory (sheet metal processing/welding/cutting/painting inspection) Currently expanding 13,000m2

1. Cutting

2. Sheet metal processing and welding

3. Painting

4. Inspection

5. Bus duct

6. Capacitor bank

Factory 2 Industrial Equipment Assembly Factory (1st floor, 2nd floor) 7,000m2

1. Painting

2. Assembly

3. Empty space